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Change is Only Getting Bigger So Think Big, Lead Big

Greg Squires • March 21, 2013

Any progress that has ever been realized throughout history is the direct result of change. While this is an indisputable fact, many people say they just don’t like change. Here is how psychologist Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson explains...

Any progress that has ever been realized throughout history is the direct result of change. While this is an indisputable fact, many people say they just don’t like change. Here is how psychologist Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson explains this human phe- nomenon: “It's not just that people fear change, though they undoubtedly do. It's also that they genuinely believe (often on an unconscious level) that when you've been doing something a particular way for some time, it must be a good way to do things. And the longer you've been doing it that way, the better it is.”

Does this sound familiar to you? I have observed far too many families who are locked into old ways of doing things to ever think the dairy industry is immune from stubborn resistance to change. I have also observed that the ability to embrace and lead change is a common characteristic among the most profitable dairy operations across the country. They understand that, like it or not, change is a fact of life and one of the indisputable rules of business. To them, change represents opportunity.

Consider these changes which have occurred in just the last 20 or so years:


  • We have approximately 100,000 fewer dairy farms (55,000 vs. 160,000) and this consolidation has been occurring for dec- ades, as 3.6 million dairy farms existed in 1950
  • From 1990 to 1994, the average price re- ceived for corn was $2.33 while its rolling 13-month price varied by an average of just $.49; from 2007 to 2011 those num- bers were $4.35 and $1.54 - during the same periods, the numbers for milk were $12.96/$1.95 and $17.34/$5.77
  • 35% of U.S. milk was produced by herds with greater than 200 cows vs. 75% today
  • A single Smartphone that many Ameri- cans carry today has greater computation- al power than all of NASA in the early 70’s
  • The World Wide Web was first intro- duced to the public in 1991


Regardless of the speed or direction of change, your business will be far healthier if you lead change rather than worry over and complain about change.

A number of years ago, I had a client who was going through a great deal of delibera- tion and indecisiveness regarding a number of strategic issues in his dairy. The primary reason for not moving forward was his con- cerns over milk markets, grain markets, general economic outlook, global economic outlook, federal policy decisions, the farm bill, etc., etc., etc. Finally one day we con- cluded a visit with the following conversation:

DAIRYMAN: I think we are going to shelve the project for another year.

ME : Really... why?

DAIRYMAN: There is just too much uncer- tainty for us to be comfortable in moving forward.

ME: You don’t think the project is the right thing to do?

DAIRYMAN: No, we need to do it - I believe the numbers we ran are correct. The projections show that the project will improve our productivity and cost of production considera- bly.

ME : So what you’re saying is that you would rather let the dairy “coast” for another year while you wait until all the stars align, rather than position your business to thrive re- gardless of the changes and markets you face tomorrow?

DAIRYMAN: That’s not what I mean at all.

ME: Will all the potential changes and unknowns you’re concerned about occur regardless of what you do or don’t do?

DAIRYMAN: Probably.

ME: Then you know the old saying: ‘Lead, follow, or get the heck out of the way.’ And I think you know what the implication is for a business that gets out of the way.

Leading and implementing major changes in a business is a function (skill) in which some owners feel inadequate. Here are some thoughts on how to improve your change leadership:

Define your vision and develop business goals  

The importance of having a roadmap for the future can’t be stressed enough. Defining your vision and then determining the nec- essary changes to improve your likelihood of success will serve as guiding lights for all your business planning and help you navigate difficult waters with greater confidence.

Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb

This is where so many families struggle in the process of evolving their busi- nesses. Too many people lose sight that there is often just as much risk in making even bold changes as there is in not act- ing at all. Think about what T.S. Eliot once observed: “Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”

Involve your teams  

Include all managers and mid- managers in planning for change. Better yet, create an envi- ronment where these folks are the ones suggesting new ideas for change and process improvement. Not only can they help identify what changes will be beneficial, but if allowed to provide input from the beginning, will take greater ownership in ironing out the kinks during implementation.

Measure results  

Measurable results are absolutely critical for any change project. Without measuring results, how will you determine where implementation needs to be adjusted and fine-tuned? Without results, your teams will become frustrated and lose their passion for buy-in.

Follow your passions

Each of us is emotionally motivated by different things. We draw strength from our passions. This is why most dairy producers despise completing office work - sitting at a desk while punching the keys of a comput- er is not very stimulating to most people. Since we aren’t passionate about office work, we find reasons to fill our day and week with other tasks and responsibilities – things that are more pleasurable. Those of us who are truly following our passions in our professions find it a little bit easier to create positive results and outcomes, dig for solutions to tough situations and even find it just a little easier to put feet to the ground each morning.

While leadership and management are both very important functions in any successful business, they are succinctly dif- ferent. Warren Bennis, American scholar, organizational consultant and author who is widely regarded as the pioneer of the contemporary field of leadership, compares and con- trasts managers and leaders like this:


  • The manager administers; the leader innovates
  • The manager is a copy; the leader is an original
  • The manager maintains; the leader develops
  • The manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader focuses on people
  • The manager relies on control; the leader inspires trust
  • The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long-range perspective
  • The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why
  • The manager has his or her eye always on the bot- tom line; the leader’s eye is on the horizon
  • The manager imitates; the leader originates
  • The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it
  • The manager is the classic good soldier; the leader is his or her own person
  • The manager does things right; the leader does the right thing


Are you both managing and leading your business? Are you thinking big and leading big?

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Several readers of my last article emailed me with a question that I have repeatedly heard from customers and audiences for many years: Are there traits or characteristics which are common to successful dairy farms? If you were to ask 100 different industry professionals and dairy producers, you would undoubtedly see 100 different lists of attributes most closely linked to success. As Dairy Enterprise Services continues its work on dairy operations across the U.S., the following are among the most common characteristics I observe: Intense reproductive management Many successful dairy producers place a high priority on breeding cows to maintain relatively short calving intervals. This focus is not only rationalized by higher milk production but greater internal herd growth. Set expectations Regardless of herd size, every dairy owner relies on other sets of hands to complete the work that is necessary to operate a dairy business. One of the most common disconnects between a manager and subordinate is a basic lack of understanding of what is expected of the job, role, or task. While this trait is clearly not universal among successful farms, many of the best operators have developed a discipline of setting clear and measurable expectations of not only those people who are on their payrolls but their advisors as well. Manage risk This trait may be one of the more arguable points on my list but almost by definition, a successful business must survive any risks that could potentially bring about its collapse. The counterpoint to this observation is that many very successful dairy producers are also among the most significant and calculated risk-takers. Risk comes in many forms including market (milk/feed/land prices), safety (liability), financial (leverage, interest rates), production (milk, disease, reproduction), and counter party (contracts). Mitigation of these risks must constantly be matched against the business’ ability to survive a worst-case scenario in one or more of these areas. While risk management is never perfect and always comes at a price, many good managers are vigilant in looking for cost-effective tools to mitigate sources of risk. Possess an attitude of excellence While this is one of the least quantifiable qualities on my list, it certainly is one of the more pervasive. What I’m describing is a never-ending attitude of doing the right things and doing things right. I once had a customer who, when working through a SWAT analysis replied that one of the strengths of their business was “we sweat excellence.” He offered the comment not as a boast or an arrogant jibe but was simply trying to state that they treated all of their selected processes as being important. If something was important to them, they strived to do it right every time, all the time. Take care of people Successful dairy operations are in a position of success largely because they have surrounded themselves with good people, and people who they want to retain. They are also surrounded by good neighbors to whom they in turn want to be good neighbors. Therefore, many successful dairy owners and managers are careful to be considerate and respectful of members of their staff, their communities and their industry. Focus on milk quality and udder health This is probably one of the more universal traits found in successful operations. Managing for improved SCC and udder health is an obvious economic driver considering their combined impact on milk production, milk premiums, and operating costs. Many of these excellent operators have instilled the notion among their staffs that they are in the business of producing food for people and it is sometimes amazing how impactful this concept can be, particularly with milking crews. Passionate about information As an industry, we still do a pretty poor job of utilizing information (financial reports, production summaries, scorecards, etc.) to make informed management decisions. However I am confident that I commonly see these tools being utilized in well managed businesses. An old saying goes something like: “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” Actually it was Peter Drucker who said “If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.” Our missed opportunity more often isn’t that we can’t measure it…more commonly we simply don’t measure it. Aggressively manage costs When compared to its ability to determine milk price, a dairy operation has much greater influence on its costs of production; many successful dairy operators manage costs very closely. There are two common standards of measuring costs in a dairy operation: cost per hundredweight of milk produced and cost per cow, per year. Obviously cost per hundredweight can be influenced by both raw costs as well as the volume of milk produced and I am referring to the management of raw costs. Many of these operators could be described as “tight with a buck.” Understand the importance of growth There are two reasons why I believe this is a common factor in successful operations. First, our industry has been consolidating for decades. With consolidation, efficiency targets evolve and scale becomes an increasingly significant dynamic (not a sole determiner of success, just one factor). Second and more importantly, growth can become an important factor in a business’ ability to sustain its mission of providing a desired standard of living for its owners. As succeeding generations come into the business, there will be “more mouths to feed,” so to speak. Also, time and inflation have a way of eroding the ability of each cow to generate sufficient net income to meet its owner’s standard of living. I certainly don’t intend this list to be either inclusive or exclusive. I realize there are additional attributes which may be associated with successful operations and I believe that a dairy that may not possess one or more of these characteristics can still be successful. I do however associate each of these skills and priorities of management with many successful dairy operations. Of course we all must be mindful of our own unique idea of what defines a “successful” dairy operation. As a business owner, it is your right and prerogative (if not obligation) to determine what success means to you and your fellow owners. Of one thing I am certain: it is of the rarest of circumstances that success is realized purely by accident. As Confucius once said, “Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.”
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